
Heart Centered People, Sharing Gifts in an Extraordinary Way to Better Humanity.

Glenn E Mate Sr.

Your Host and Presenter

Glenn has spent over three decades educating various audiences as an author, a public speaker & healer, and a highly detailed motivational innovator in a demanding environment based in heart centeredness. With vast years of experience and knowledge of working with people, Glenn has achieved mastery in extracting the best characteristics of individuals who may have not had a firm self-actualization. The marriage between Glenn’s high level of teaching, love for the fellow human being and his background of spirituality and neuroscience, he has brought enlightenment to the world through Personal Growth, Light Language, Channeling and many Spiritual Healing modalities.

Rob Gauthier


Rob is one of the most respected trance channelers in the world. For more than a decade, he has helped thousands of individuals receive clarity on their life path and mission. Rob primarily works with three main guides - Aridif, Treb Bor Yit-Ne, and Metatron - but has channeled hundreds of ET consciousnesses. Rob is also an in-demand speaker and teacher and has has been featured in many documentaries, internet shows, interviews, and books for his unique channeling abilities.

Debbie Solaris


Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee, Galactic Historian, Interdimensional Traveler, Galactic Akashic Records Guide, and Starseed Intuitive based in Colorado. After a fateful extraterrestrial contact experience a few years ago, Debbie awakened to her true star lineage and higher calling. Through her ancestral connection with the Akashic Records, she has been receiving downloads of galactic historical information and universal spiritual knowledge ever since. She feels that it’s a big part Interdimensional her mission while here on Earth to help awaken others to their own true Divine selves and cosmic origins.

Debbie has a been a guest on the Gaia Network with Regina Meredith and George Noory with many episodes of enlightenment, and can be found on YouTube with her Galactic Educational teachings.

Michael Rosenbaum


Michael is an ACHT, MP Advanced Certified Hypnotherapist, Metaphysician Practitioner Counselor and Spiritual Development Coach for over 20 years. Utilizing regression, hypnotic and “RoHun” therapies, along with guided meditations, he empowers his clients to use there inner mind to discover the root cause of triggers, creating a permanent shift of programming in the subconscious mind. Since 2006 he has been an active member of the “Spiritual Mystery School” and reciprocates his vast wealth of knowledge infusing these life changing principals with clients to connect with their past life history, spiritual nature, master spirit guides and their soul’s purpose for this incarnation.

Michael also enjoys teaching many methodologies of spiritual nature and enjoys the exploration with his clients through regression and past life regressions, “Life Between Lives” therapy and transcendental meditations.

Toni Ghazi


Toni Ghazi, also known as “The Antarean Heart,” is a Trance Channeler and Spiritual Guide working through the Praying-Mantis Beings, specifically from the Antares Star System. Toni brings channeled messages of UN-CONDITIONAL LOVE and INTEGRATION to help guide Humanity back to its True-Self and Essence; activating a remembrance of WHO we really ARE and creating a life of Empowerment and Alignment. At this intimate retreat, Toni will unveil the World’s First and ONLY Praying-Mantis Crystal-Skulls to you. These are activated by a 20 million-year old Praying-Mantis Being that is preserved in Petrified Amber that was discovered in Chiapas, Mexico and an 8,000-year-old Egyptian Anubis Tablet Aztlan artifact recently unearthed in Jalisco Mexico.

As you hold these Crystal Skulls during your meditation, they will provide you the opportunity to CONNECT with your GALACTIC GUIDES to expand your mind BEYOND Physical Limitations and Illusions of the Veil. Toni, along with the Crystal Skulls will lovingly facilitate for you the power of remembrance through Direct-Contact, and Channeled Light-Codes. Along with these newly discovered Ancient Artifacts, you will embrace the Powerful Being that you are and always have been.


Tyler Ellison

Tyler is a Doctor of Acupuncture, Ceremonial Magician, an Official Instructor of the Universal Healing Tao Lineage, and Channel for the Sassani Hybrid Collective. He primarily channels the Sassani Entities known as Ryo and Baraht. Tyler’s channeling has been described as profoundly illuminating, transformative and deeply heart based. He is a teacher and healer, an Author and has a multitude of media on YouTube sharing his life changing transmissions of healing and knowledge.


Nicolette Morgan

Nicolette is a cosmic channel, healer, sound alchemist, hypnotherapist, and light worker. She works inter-dimensionally with many different extra terrestrial civilizations and collectives to bring through knowledge, remembrance and activation for the collective of humanity through light language and channeled transmissions. She also works as a “grid worker” primarily from her home in Hawaii where she works closely with Lemurian codes, elementals, dolphins, and whales. She is devoted to being an anchor for the new frequencies and teaches practical advice so we may all live in our highest timeline of love, freedom and sovereignty. Nicolette is a teacher with the hope of bringing activation and remembrance of our true divine potential back into the hearts and knowing of society.


Stephanie Tornatore

Stephanie is a Master Frequency Facilitator, Reiki Master/Teacher and Sound Healing Practitioner. Her love of vibrational medicine came first as a professional musician, as she has a Master's of Music degree in Oboe Performance. Through her own healing journey, Stephanie discovered the power of energy medicine. Now she focuses on transforming her client's lives through frequencies, sound, light and water. She developed a unique healing technique that helps people all over the world release the trauma stored in their cellular memory. Stephanie also goes by her spiritual name, Kushmanda. Her sound baths transports people using the vibrations of the crystal singing bowls, the frequencies from a device and her voice. She also loves helping people tap into their Abundance through the quantum field!

Glenn’s Quote

“Your perception, belief systems and agreements determine the framework of your current reality. With clear intention and focus, a change in thought creates a new reality in which becomes a new experience.”

Rob’s Quote

“If you follow your heart, your heart is connected directly to your higher self and soul. And your soul knows better than anyone, for you. It knows better than the wisest, or longest living entity in this universe, Because it IS you, it is part of you and it is what you need. So follow the heart and you will never be led wrong.”

Debbie’s Quote

“Understanding the parameters of Galactic History in terms of the various extraterrestrial races, conflicts and migrations is essential for all earth humans who desire to fully comprehend not just our past, but also our ascension and evolution to our future as true Galactic citizens of this galaxy.” -Debbie Solaris

Michael’s Quote

“When you begin to expand your awareness you begin to realize that you are never alone, not by a long shot….. there are beings from the 5th dimension that are always available for you to recognize and connect with…. when you do this then you become part of something that is bigger than the you, you think of yourself as….. If you blend with this larger version of you that includes these more expanded beings, and other energies that form the greater whole, then you gain all the energy of that greater whole as you. As a result your awareness grows and you energy capacity expands….. you are both the greater awareness and the normal awareness of yourself at the same time.  When you can tune into both, they affect and interact with other, enhancing each other…. You then gain access to a portal to reach this bigger you more easily, when you want to…. it really jump starts your evolution in a big way.”

Toni’s Quote

“Imagine… Your heart is made up of SO many facets on the surface. Within EACH layer of the Heart, there are MORE facets imbedded in it. Can you imagine the reflection of LIGHT that emanates through such a Heart?? How POWERFUL of a portal YOUR HEARTS’ are?? THAT IS who you really are, a BEACON of LOVE and LIGHT constantly shining BRIGHT.”

Tyler’s Quote

“Realms of non-thought are not always silent. Those moments of stillness and silence that come from the deepening of your perspective of the here and now, are actually words that are filled with what you consider to be subtle energies that represent the template level of physical reality.”



Stephanie’s Quote

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

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An “In Person Experience” will always relay more information because you are connected by physical energy. Isn’t time you gave yourself the gift of a lifetime? That’s Energy.