The Art of Ascension Resides Within the Information You Receive. We Deliver.

See Yourself in an Amazing Life Experience Amongst Like-Minded & Hearted People Just Like YOU!!

Here on the Sunny Beach…

“It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.” — Buddha

The Star Gate Crusader Retreat 2024

“Why this experience is unique, and why you’ll wanna attend?”

Welcoming all those on the pathway to higher consciousness!!

If you’re looking for an interactive experience that’s custom designed, you don’t have to look any further. 

Maybe you’ve been feeling like you’ve hit a plateau, or are ready to kick things up to high gear, The Star Gate Crusader Retreat is designed to take you to the next level. 

This immersive opportunity allows our presenters to bring forth their uniquely developed way of creating the vibrational frequency of heart energy.

This authentic heart energy is designed to enhance, upgrade and up level your ascension journey and expand your consciousness. 

This is custom designed… allowing participants a more intimate… and personalized experience. 

A Personalized Experience… And Healing.

Due to the personalized nature of the event there is limited enrollment. As we journey together we strive to facilitate deeply rooted meaningful connections between facilitators and participants.

The heart centered presenters channel High Frequential Interdimensional Beings, utilize Light Language, and access the Akashic Records for quantum healing.

Other modalities that are used are DNA Codes and Genome Upgrading, Past Life Readings and Healings for those looking for answers to ongoing challenges.

Your experience is rounded of by connecting with presenters that use Breath Work and Intention Setting, CE5 Experience, Channeled Information, Guided Meditation, Interaction with Divine Energies and Higher Resonance and of course…Learning how to access the Loving Intelligence within your Heart!

Every workshop, every guided learning event, every group activity will bring you the information that you need.
In the days that follow the retreat, you’ll continue to integrate the work deeply into your system. 

As the codes continue to work you’ll continue to receive an expansion of your heart space and consciousness.

The beautiful historical beach setting allows for a physically energetic location. Like minded, heart centered individuals will come together to hold space and to help enhance your spirituality.  You will come to understand that you are the portal of the Star Gate!

Heart Centered Healing, Through

Multi-Dimensional Information

This is your time. A time to heal, or a time to explore a part of you that is aching to expand and experience something more. Something that’s bigger than you’ve ever known. It is waiting for you here on the beach for you to discover.

You are Upgrading to the Best Version of Yourself…

Between the symphony of listening, learning, practicing and receiving, you’ll be upgraded from the person you once were to the best version of you.

It’s through the synergy of the land, the mystery of the ocean and the unique diverse presenters creating the safe space for you to expand and illuminate.

And… the with the many modalities you’re immersed in, you simply can’t find this via any online opportunity. 


A fire ceremony is a sacred and powerful ritual that has been performed by cultures around the world for thousands of years. Its purpose is to release and transform negative energies and emotions and to invoke positive changes in our lives. Fire ceremonies are often used for healing, personal growth, blessings, and celebrations. They involve different traditional elements, depending on the culture, such as setting intentions, building and igniting fires, chanting and drumming, and connecting with the spirits.

“Close Encounters of the 5th Kind” — is broadly defined as human initiated extraterrestrial contact.

The term was defined by Dr. Steven Greer and relates to categories of close encounters as defined by the US military.

The CE5 contact protocols merge science and a spirituality that is centered in the serene peace, the stillness and oneness of universal consciousness.

The process may include any of the following:

Coherent thought sequencing Remote viewing - Advanced meditation techniques - Photography and night vision scopes - Broadcasting of specific tones and frequencies - Electromagnetic meters and radar detectors - Ancient ceremonies

July 14th, Sunday Afternoon

Mercy by the Sea

Madison Connecticut

We will begin guest participant check in for late morning and provide some time to settle into the beach energy.

Our first day will begin after lunch jump starting our immersion with a warm greeting & Open Ceremony of Heart.

10:00-11:00am Registration

11:00-12:00pm Lunch

11:45am Main Conference Room Open

12:00pm Opening Ceremony of Heart w/Host Glenn Mate

1:00pm Meet our Presenters

2:30-2:45pm Stretch Break

2:45pm Tyler Work Shop- “Ryokah-The Structure of Our Universe”

3:00pm Glenn-Guided Meditation & Light Language-”Journey to the Center of Your loving Heart”

4:00pm Stephanie-”Sound Body Healing-A sound Spa Cleanse”

5:00pm Toni - “Channeled Message from The Manis Being Collective”

6:00pm Dinner

7:00pm Michael “Guided Meditation - Opening a Portal to Higher Consciousness & Soul”

8:20pm “Fire Ceremony on the Beach”

9:45pm Evening Gratitude Meditation before Rest.

July 15th, Monday

Work Shops

CE5 Experience

6:00 am Sunrise Beach Mediation Invitation to Participate

8:00am Breakfast

9:30am Opening Ceremony of Gratitude w/Host Glenn Mate

10:00am Michael Work Shop - “Group Past Life Regression To Re-Awaken Your Special Gift”

12:00-1:15pm Lunch

1:15pm “Channel Panel” with Glenn-Host, Channelers: Toni Ghazi, Tyler Ellison and Nicolette Morgan

3:15pm Stretch Break

3:45pm Rob Work Shop - “Learning to Channel”

6:00pm Dinner

7:00pm Glenn Work Shop - “Embracing Breath of the Heart”

8:20pm CE5 “Human Initiated Extra Terrestrial Contact Experience”

9:45pm Evening Gratitude Meditation before Rest.

July 16th, Tuesday


Closing Ceremonies

6:00 am Sunrise Beach Mediation Invitation to Participate

8:00am Breakfast

9:30am Opening Ceremony of Gratitude w/Host Glenn Mate

10:00am Workshop Debbie “Connecting with Galactic Akashic Records and Your Star Origins

12:00-1:30pm Lunch

1:30pm Nicolette Workshop “Messages from the Hybrid Children”

2:30pm Stretch Break

3:00pm Rob “Channeled Messages from Metatron”

4:00pm Glenn-Guided Meditation “Journey to the Hall of Amenti”

5:00pm Toni “Channeled Message from The Mantis Beings

5:45pm Closing Ceremony w/Host Glenn Mate

6:15pm Personalized Participant Photos with the Presenters

The “All Inclusive Retreat Package.”

The Orion Portal

The Orion Portal is an ALL INCLUSIVE Package is consisting of 3 days/2nights lodging on site in the retreat center, including all full meals during the retreat active timeframe. All group day lecture events; the group “Fire Ceremony” and “CE5” evening events AND every “Work Shop” event given by a Main Presenter. Limited to 34 participants maximum enrollment.                                                                                                                                               $2222.00

Book an Event Pass

Create new memories in your life through expanding your spirituality.